
Death and the Fourth of July by Krista Amira Calvo

Fourth of July is a wildly celebrated holiday when we all get together to drink and be merry. Hot dogs, burgers and coolers of Budweiser have become iconic staples of Fourth of July festivities. But as time moves further and further away from the Revolutionary War, many have forgotten that there is a lengthy death toll associated with one of our most feted holidays. Despite 241 years having passed, the dead continue to influence our lives. They are part of the reason we are free.

In February of 1775, Parliament declared Massachusetts in a state of rebellion. Its thirteen colonies had been stirring for some time, buzzing with the desire to become independent from Great Britain. The beginning of this battle for freedom forced many of these men to come to terms with the idea that they were marching gallantly toward death’s door; the only thing returning home from battle would be their legacy.

The work of dead Revolutionary War soldiers does not only lie in gaining independence from Great Britain. Casualties from both sides of the war continue to remind us of their presence in mystical ways. People who live near the hallowed grounds where bloody battles played out often claim the dead still walk among them— that the violence surrounding their death will not allow them to rest. In Yorktown, Virginia one such location has been said to buzz with activity. The Colonial Nelson House once served as a hospital for wounded British soldiers. The poor conditions, lack of proper medical care and the fact that the Nelson House was a constant target for American and French cannon fire, were not conducive to high survival rates. The death toll was high, and many believe the dead still inhabit this house. Currently serving as a museum, claims have been made that a man in a bloody red coat appears in the mirrors of the building. The grounds are supposed to be just as haunted; ghosts of red-coated soldiers are often seen on the full moon, fleeing spectral cannon fire. Whether you believe in a ghostly afterlife or not, the casualties of the Revolutionary War do not want to be forgotten.

Our unconscious disassociation with death, especially on holidays such as this, is understandable. We are conditioned from youth to avoid discussions of death— taught that engaging another in deathly conversation is disagreeable because it risks bringing on a certain sadness or negative feelings. No one wants to hang their head when they could be celebrating instead, particularly on a festive holiday like the Fourth of July, but taking even the smallest moment to contemplate the casualties of the Revolutionary War can help us remember why we celebrate in the first place. Even if it may be a little uncomfortable, contemplating death can let us live more profoundly and find greater appreciation for the things that we have— things we wouldn’t have if another hadn’t given their life. So when the hot dogs are on the grill and buns are being toasted, take a second to remember the fallen soldiers of the Revolutionary War.

Besides, Budweiser is pretty cheap. Pouring a little out for the dead isn’t really a huge loss.


Burial, books and bones are the most important things to Krista Amira Calvo, aside from black coffee and fluffy felines. Pursuing her degree in physical anthropology and bioarchaeology, Krista spends most of her time buried in books about the dead. When she isn’t turning pages she is wielding an X-Acto knife and glue gun, making teeny tiny skeletons and other things of that nature. Krista is currently focusing her work on exploring the origins of Tibetan Sky Burial. Follow Krista on Instagram: @trowel_and_bone.